Mike McIntyre - Poetry Apprentice Parent

(My wife) and I are blown away by (the Center for Arts-Inspired Learning) and by the incredibly positive impact the Artworks Poetry Co-op has had on our son.

He has gained confidence, developed a more focused sense of self and self-assuredness, found his own voice and has met some really terrific young friends. It’s an added and important benefit that the group of young people in his co-op and throughout Artworks is so diverse. It has exposed him to so many different points of view and life experiences. And Ray just rocked it. In a nutshell, as the end of one of their group poems attests, he is becoming “fully human.” That is the wonder of artistic expression.

I’ve spent a lot of time coaching youth sports and I see it as a sign of success when the young boy or girl says he or she will definitely sign up to play again the next year. It means I’m doing something right. Well, so is Artworks. He’d sign up for next summer right now if he could.


Melissa Friedman - Teacher


Carmen - Poetry Apprentice